關於履歷表你一定要知道的10件事 (履歷表撰寫注意事項/英文履歷/外商履歷/履歷模板)

不論是找工作或是申請學校,履歷表都是第一個要準備也是最重要的。很多人對於到底要怎麼寫好履歷有很多疑問,比如:要用什麼格式?要放照片嗎?國內公司和外商履歷的差別?最多可以幾頁?要放社團經驗嗎?要寫興趣嗎?資訊要寫多詳細?小時候的得獎經歷要寫嗎?總結了這些常見的疑問,Ringle的Head of Global BD -James Lee用他十多年在BCG的管顧和招募經驗來為您指點迷津。讀完這篇相信大家都能寫出好履歷,順利通過履歷篩選!
1. 職場新鮮人的第一份履歷怎麼寫,是否要加入大學社團經驗?要怎麼把個人興趣加到履歷中?大學成績要寫嗎?
How to write the very first resume? Should the following items be included?(Uni club experience/ Hobbies/ GPA)
It can be challenging when writing your first resume as a first-time job seeker. Yes, I would definitely try to build more experience, such as through club activities, as you mentioned. You will quickly realize that it is crucial to engage in meaningful activities, even when describing your involvement in club activities.
如果你覺得履歷上的內容不夠充足,可以思考應該添加哪些內容,例如,透過參與各種社團活動展示你的“積極性”、“解決問題的能力”和“獨立工作的能力”。特別社團活動不是有薪的工作,如果你夠努力奉獻, 一定可以獲得更多認可。
If you feel that there isn't enough content to fill the resume, it's the right time to think more about the types of bullet points you would want to add. For instance, you can still demonstrate your 'proactiveness,' 'problem-solving ability,' and 'ability to work independently' through various club activities. Especially because it's not a paid job, you would be able to gain credit for all the extra work you're doing for your club.
If you have a superb GPA from a reputable school, it will certainly create a positive impression. However, the English resume, by design, requires some level of experience as well to demonstrate your capabilities.
I'd say hobbies wouldn't really help unless you pursue a hobby to a degree that allows you to showcase your level of commitment in that area (e.g., amateur champion in tennis, etc.)
2. 亞洲/歐美履歷差異?履歷格式/順序
Differences between Asian/Western resumes? in terms of style/format/order
Compared to Asian resumes, an English resume typically places a greater emphasis on the details of your experience rather than solely on the titles you've earned.
一個好的的Bullet point應該包括 “實際執行的工作內容”、“背景” 以及 “帶來的影響”:
An ideal bullet point would have “action”,”context”, and “impact”:
- “Developed and executed a comprehensive social media marketing campaign for a local charity event, increasing online engagement by 30%, and raising $5,000 in donations.”
It usually consists of Education, Work Experience, Extracurricular Activities, Honors and Awards, and Additional sections (language, certifications, hobbies, etc.).
3.怎麼寫Cover letter? Cover letter的使用時機及必要性
How to write a cover letter? Is a cover-letter a must have?
在多數情況下,Cover letter並不是強制要求的,但附上可以增加你申請的能見度,並給你一個展現你對該職位的熱情以及適任度的機會。
While it’s not always mandatory, including a cover letter can significantly enhance your application and provide you with an opportunity to showcase your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position.
個人而言,我不喜歡單純重覆履歷內容的Cover letter。你應該用Cover letter來
1) 表達你申請該職位的動機,或者 2) 提供額外的訊息來解釋履歷中無法涵蓋的事項(尤其是當你過去的工作經驗與你申請的職位沒有高度相關時)
Personally, I do not like a cover letter that simply repeats what’s already written in the resume. You would want to use it to 1) show your motivation for the position or 2) explain something that cannot be covered in the resume by providing additional context (e.g., when your career experience is not well-aligned with the role you are applying for).
用Cover letter來展現你的個人故事
Try to really tell your story here. :)
4. 往管理職前進時在履歷上需要強調的內容
To pursue a managerial position, what should be highlighted on the resume?
與一般職位不同,當你申請管理職時,招募人員肯定會著重於你的 1) 軟實力(領導力 / 溝通技能 / 戰略思考能力...等)和 2) 可被驗證的成就和目標 3) 職業發展的證明,經由這些條件證明你是一個優秀的人才。
Different from an individual contributor role, when you apply for a managerial position, recruiters will certainly start looking for 1) soft skills (leadership, communication skills, strategic thinking, etc.), 2) a proven track record of achieving goals, and 3) evidence of a progressing career, indicating that you are recognized as a high-caliber talent.
Just putting the above words wouldn’t really help. Think about the kinds of experiences you've had that demonstrate those skills and strategically add them to your resume.
5. 不同產業的簡歷寫法是否不同?管顧業履歷怎麼寫?
Does each industry have its preference style resume? e.g. consulting
When I recruited for BCG, yes, I saw a very standardized format of a resume; the below link has a standard format that is pretty commonly used for a professional resume in consulting, investment banking, and law firms.
然而,當我開始在新創公司工作,我看到了各種風格的履歷。現在為新創公司招募時,我不太根據格式或風格來評判履歷。但我可能還是不太喜歡那些看起來太有“創意”的履歷。 :)
However, when I started working for a start-up, I certainly have seen various styles of resumes. I do not necessarily judge the resume based on formatting or style nowadays when recruiting for a startup, but I think I would not have liked those very 'creative' looking resumes. :)
6. 不同國家的人看履歷的觀點和要求是否不同
Is the perspective and requirement for reviewing resumes different in various countries?
我覺得並不會有太大的差異,各國的招募經理通常都有非常相似的目標,希望找到在工作中有好的成績、溝通能力強、結果導向、努力工作的人才。 :)
I don’t think so. Hiring managers’ intentions are usually very similar across countries. They want someone who has a good track record as a high performer, good communicator, result-oriented, and hard-working individual. :)
Within the typical format, try to find a way to best reflect your experience in the most effective way.
7. 履歷要放照片嗎
Is a picture needed in the resume?
No. Unless specified, do not use a picture in a resume.
8. 在您的經驗裡,最常看到的履歷錯誤
The most mistakes on resumes you had seen?
As mentioned during the webinar, people usually have a hard time finding the right depth of information; for example, some junior individuals write their resumes as if they are in a very senior role or position (e.g., 'Spearheaded a groundbreaking initiative to revolutionize the office coffee selection, conducting in-depth research, organizing taste tests, and successfully implementing a new gourmet coffee program that elevated employee morale and productivity by 200%.')
On the contrary, some mid-level managers might inadvertently downplay their roles in a less impressive way, making their positions sound very insignificant (e.g., 'Managed day-to-day operations of a team of four and handled weekly financial reporting tasks.').
9. 怎麼把想要申請職位的關鍵字放到履歷中?有寫Bullet point的技巧嗎?
How to incorporate the desired keywords for a job application into a resume?
Are there any tips for tailoring bullet points on a resume for different roles?
It is crucial to strategically incorporate 'key capabilities' into a resume, but equally important is elaborating on them with specific experiences. I am not particularly fond of resumes that begin with generic characteristics like 'strong communication skills' or 'proven leadership skills' without sufficient evidence.
與其空泛地使用這些形容詞,不如思考如何提供能夠展示這些特質的經歷,將其列入Bullet point中。例如,如果曾參與一個計畫,由於各部門對計畫認知不同,導致各部門之間溝通發生問題,處於那樣的情況,運用“良好的溝通能力”化解溝通不良的危機。如果成功獲得面試機會,會促使面試官針對該事件提出問題,詢問你是如何有效應對該情況,從而提供了一個突顯你的“良好的溝通能力”的機會。
Instead of using these keywords without context, consider reflecting on experiences that demonstrate these qualities. For instance, if you were part of a project where effective communication among various functions was vital due to misperceptions about the initiative, describe the situation in a bullet point. This approach, if you secure an interview, will prompt questions about how you effectively managed such a scenario, providing an excellent opportunity to highlight your 'effective communication skills.'
Take the time to thoroughly analyze the job description and identify stories from your experiences that align with the requirements. By following this process, you'll discover how to tailor your resume effectively.
10. 如果工作年資較長(5年以上)怎麼把重點濃縮成一頁?超過一頁可以嗎?
- Bullet point的寫法
- 需要加入與工作無關的經驗嗎?
- 放全部的經驗 v.s 重點提出
How to Condense Extensive Work Experience (5+ Years) into One Page Resume:
- The way to write bullet points
- Should non-work related experience be mentioned?
- Put all the experiences or pick a few
For individuals with over 5 years of work experience, grappling with condensing a lengthy resume is quite common. Recruiters don't necessarily need to delve into every minutia of your day-to-day operations; rather, it's more crucial to present a quality description of your most significant experiences than overwhelming them with the sheer volume of your history.
When reviewing your own resume, adopt the perspective of a hiring manager. Deemphasize bullets that are less relevant. In certain instances, if non-work experience is more pertinent to the role and showcases your interests in a specific area related to the application, it might take precedence over work experience, and you may choose to retain it. However, under other circumstances, non-work-related experiences can indeed be omitted from the resume.
11. 轉領域時如何將過去經驗連結想要申請的領域?(行銷轉管顧)(亞洲->歐美市場)
How to connect past experiences when transitioning to a new field? (Marketing to Management Consulting) (Asian to European/American Markets)
這一點在寫出高品質的Bullet point時尤為關鍵。例如,如果你正在從一個行銷職位轉到到另一個行銷職位,可能只需要專注於上一個行銷工作結果,因為這個職業經驗本身就很重要。
This is particularly crucial when high-quality bullet points come into play. For instance, if you're transitioning from one marketing role to another, it might suffice to focus solely on the outcomes of your previous marketing positions, as the track record itself will carry substantial weight.
However, if your aim is to shift into management consulting, highlighting the core competencies valued in the consulting industry becomes paramount. Consultants appreciate attributes like 'problem-solving skills' and 'proactiveness.' You must reflect on instances where you demonstrated these skills while achieving results in your marketing role.
To achieve this, once again, a thorough review of the job description is essential. Identify 4-5 key competencies and seek transferable experiences to emphasize in your resume.
Transitioning geographically poses challenges in convincing recruiters unless you possess the required work permit and have a compelling personal reason. Their primary concern will be the candidate's eligibility for work and commitment to staying in the role for an extended period, so be prepared to address these questions.