跨年 - 最實用的20個跨年英文單字+例句,新年快樂英文,用10種語言說新年快樂!用英文做年度回顧

- New Year's Eve(跨年夜)
- We usually have a big family party on New Year's Eve.(我們通常在跨年夜舉行一場盛大的家庭派對。)
2. Countdown(倒數)
- The countdown to midnight began, and everyone eagerly awaited the new year.(倒數開始了,每個人都迫不及待地等待新的一年到來。)
3. Fireworks(煙火)
- The sky was lit up with colorful fireworks to celebrate the New Year.(天空被五彩繽紛的煙火照亮,慶祝新年的到來。)
4. Celebration(慶祝)
- The city was alive with celebration as people cheered and danced in the streets.(城市充滿了慶祝的氛圍,人們在街上歡呼和跳舞。)
5. Party(派對)
- We're hosting a New Year's Eve party at our house, and you're invited!(我們將會在家舉辦一場跨年派對,歡迎你參加!)
6. Midnight(午夜)
- The clock struck midnight, and people exchanged hugs and grettings.(時鐘敲響午夜,人們互相擁抱並互相祝賀。)
7. Resolution(新年計畫):
- Many people make New Year's resolutions, such as exercising more or learning a new skill.(很多人訂立新年計畫,比如多運動或學習一項新技能。)
8. Champagne(香檳)
- It's a tradition to toast with champagne as the clock strikes twelve.(當時間到十二點的時候,用香檳敬酒是一個傳統。)
9. Cheers(乾杯)
- We raised our glasses and shouted cheers to a new beginning. (我們舉杯,高聲喊著為新的開始乾杯。)
10. Balloon Drop(氣球下降)
- At the stroke of midnight, the crowd watched in awe as a cascade of colorful balloons descended from above, creating a magical atmosphere for the New Year's celebration.(在午夜的時候,人群驚歎地看著一串五顏六色的氣球從上方降落,為新年慶祝營造出一種神奇的氛圍。)
11. Festivities(慶祝活動)
- The city was alive with festivities, including parades and live music.(城市充滿了慶祝活動,包括遊行和現場音樂。)
12. Tradition(傳統)
- Watching the fireworks has become a cherished tradition for our family on New Year's Eve.(觀看煙火已經成為我們家庭在跨年夜的一項珍貴傳統。)
13. Merriment(歡樂)
- Laughter and merriment filled the air as people celebrated the end of the year.(歡笑聲和歡樂充滿了空氣,人們慶祝著年終的到來。)
14. Countdown Clock(倒數時鐘)
- The giant countdown clock in the town square helped everyone keep track of the seconds until the new year.(城市廣場上的巨大倒數時鐘幫助每個人追蹤到新年的秒數。)
15. Streamers(彩帶)
- The room was decorated with colorful streamers, adding to the festive atmosphere.(房間裝飾著五顏六色的彩帶,增添了節日氛圍。)
16. Gala(盛會)
- The New Year's Eve gala featured glamorous outfits and a luxurious dinner.(跨年夜盛會上有華麗的服裝和豪華的晚宴。)
17. Sparkler(仙女棒)
- Children waved sparklers in the air, creating a magical scene of light.(孩子們揮舞著仙女棒,用火光創造出了魔幻般的景象。)
18. Noisemaker (噪音產生器)
- The streets were filled with the sound of noisemakers as people celebrated the arrival of the new year. (人們慶祝新年的到來,街上充滿著由噪音產生器發出的聲響。)
19. Clock Strikes Twelve(時鐘敲響十二點)
- As the clock struck twelve, the city erupted in cheers and applause.(當時鐘敲響十二點時,城市爆發出歡呼聲和掌聲。)
20. New Beginning(新的開始)
- The start of a new year symbolizes a new beginning and a chance for positive changes.(新年的開始象徵著新的開始和正向改變的機會。)
用10種語言說新年快樂 Happy New Year!
1. 西班牙文:¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
2. 法文:Bonne année !
3. 德文:Frohes neues Jahr!
4. 俄文:С новым годом! (S novym godom!)
5. 日文:あけましておめでとうございます (Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu)
6. 韓文:새해 복 많이 받으세요 (Saehae bok mani badeuseyo)
7. 阿拉伯文:سنة جديدة سعيدة (Sana Jadida Saeida)
8. 義大利文:Buon anno nuovo!
9. 荷蘭文:Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
10. 葡萄牙文:Feliz Ano Novo!
A Year in Review 回顧今年
在Ringle和老師一起用英文做一下今年的年度回顧吧 ->

Interviewing Yourself 問問你自己
- How would you describe this year in a single word? Sentence?
- What did you learn about yourself this year?
- What was your biggest challenge this year, and how did you overcome it?
- What was your greatest accomplishment this year, and how did you achieve it? How did it make you feel?
- What’s one bad habit you quit this year?
- Have you taken on new responsibilities this year? How are you handling them?
- What and who are you most grateful for this year?
- If you could travel back and correct one mistake from this year, what would you do?
- Are you happy with what you achieved professionally? How about personally?
- Do you enjoy your work?
- What books have you read this year? Which was your favorite?
- This year, what was your biggest source of stress?
- This year, what was your biggest source of inspiration?
- Which relationships meant the most to you this year and why?
- Given the journey you took in 2023, what’s one piece of advice to give yourself for 2024?