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#Young Learners
Mother's Day
A day of appreciation
Updated: 2021.07.02
2 min read · Basic
Mother's Day
어머니의 날
Discussion Questions
In your own words, please briefly summarize the article.
How does your country celebrate Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Parents’ day?
Do you think Mother’s Day is an important celebration?
Father’s Day seems to be less celebrated than Mother’s Day. Why do you think this is the case?
Even though many countries celebrate Mother’s Day differently, they seem to have some common traditions. Why do you think this is? What are those traditions that are in common?
What kinds of gifts do you usually give to your family and friends?
Mother’s Day results in lots of sales, as many people go out to buy gifts. What other holidays do you think results in lots of buying of merchandise? Why?
What are some upcoming holidays that you are looking forward to?
If you have a question or questions that you'd like to discuss during your class, please write them down.

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