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How can I select the right tutors for me?

At Ringle, you can have lessons with the tutors you like.
🖥️ PC(Web)
Please log in to the Ringle website → [Home] → Quck menu → Click [Tutor]
- You can find a tutor through five different filters.
- Strenghts: Beginner English, English Discussions ... etc.
- Major : Social Sciences, Liberal Arts, Law... etc.
- Experience : Has work experience / Attended graduate school
- Gender : Male / Female
- Accent : American / British
- You can search relevant tutors by keyword(s) such as writing, interview, resume, politics, finance.
- You can find your favorite tutors in the [My Tutors] tab and use this list when booking a lesson.
- Check the tutor's profile and reviews from other students. Click 'bookmark icon' and add the tutor to your Favorite Tutors.

Download and log in to Ringle app → [Home] → Quck menu → Click [Tutor]
- You can find a tutor through five different filters.
- You can search relevant tutors by keyword(s) such as writing, interview, resume, politics, finance.
- You can find your favorite tutors in the [My Tutors] tab and use this list when booking a lesson.
- Check the tutor's profile and reviews from other students. Click 'bookmark icon' and add the tutor to your Favorite Tutors.
- Download the Ringle app to get notifications when your favorite tutors open a new schedule or have [Lessons in 24 hours]
Enter your profile and get tutor recommendations!
- When you set your English study goals in your account, tutors who have opened their schedules and match your study goals will be prioritized in recommendations and visibility when booking lessons.
- Log in > Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner (three horizontal lines in the app) > Profile > [Required] in your profile > Select your English study goals in [English Learning Goals]
If any of the following apply to you, choose one tutor and schedule lessons with them regularly!
- When you are beginning to write your resume and need one tutor to edit it with continuity
If any of the following apply to you, choose one tutor and schedule lessons with them regularly!
- When you are beginning to write your resume and need one tutor to edit it with continuity
- If you are not comfortable with English and want to begin building your speaking skills
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